Source of article The Jury Room - Keene Trial Consulting.

This is the second part of our Top 10 posts of 2017 (see the first here). Today, we present the Top 5 posts you visited most often in 2017.

Post No. 5: Do you know what “vocal fry” is? We didn’t either

As part of an ongoing effort to keep you informed and “up” on pop culture–we brought you this one. Now that you know what it is, it’s like an ear worm and you simply cannot stop hearing it

[and here’s a tip–it’s everywhere].

Post No. 4: What will be most persuasive in your forensic expert’s testimony?

Perhaps not what you want to be most persuasive. This is one of those must reads if you are preparing for trial and have an expert to speak to the forensic evidence.

Post No. 3: Power in many things and is your smartphone lowering your IQ?

This is one of our combination posts and it focuses on power (and corruption, and poses, and the grip of our technology–and a really, really good podcast).

Post No. 2: No, seriously! That’s just how my face is!

Resting bitch face. Who thought this would come up in litigation advocacy? (We did.)

Post No. 1: Your body is a wonderland–or at least an art gallery

Just as we must update you all on the plethora of research on deception, we also are challenged to keep up with the changing meaning of tattoos. Body art. How many is okay? Does a whole arm tattoo (aka ‘sleeve’) count as one tattoo or several hundred? This is our number one post from 2017. You’re not the only one who wants to know.
