Source of article The Litigation Consulting Report (A2L Consulting).

top-litigation-blog-articles.jpgby Ken Lopez
A2L Consulting

As the first quarter of 2017 comes to an end, I have had the occasion to reflect on the origins and the success of the online publication that you are reading, The Litigation Consulting Report. In six years, I’ve watched as this publication grew from nothing at all to a subscription list that includes more than 9,000 members of the legal community (here’s a free subscription link: I am pleased and amazed to see that there are more than 300,000 visits to this blog annually.

Periodically, we try to help organize the articles we publish by highlighting those “voted” best by your readership. By “voted,” I mean the articles that readers choose by reading them the most often. Readers “vote” with their computers, tablets and phones. Some articles are read thousands of times per day, and I find that remarkable.

I want to highlight the top 10 articles from this quarter, in order, with the one marked as #1 being the most read article published this quarter. Interestingly, while the subjects of these articles range across various areas of our litigation consulting practice, those focused on storytelling in litigation are consistently at the top of our quarterly lists. Although we are not the only people who talk about storytelling as a fundamental element of persuasion at trial, we have been doing so for a long time, and we have marshaled scientific evidence in support of our conclusions.

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10. Using Litigation Graphics in Bench Trials: How Different Is It From Jury Trials?

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9. Still Think Persuasion is About Talking While Showing Bullet Points?

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8. How to Get Great Results From a Good Lawyer

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7. The Key Elements of a Good Narrative at Trial or Anywhere Else

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6. 2017 Will be a Great Year for (Most Types of) Trials

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5. 3 Excellent Ways to Use Top-Bottom Timelines in Trial

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4. NITA Experts Agree: Jurors Want Lawyers to Show, Not Tell

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3. The Value of Storytelling: A Current Case in Point

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2. 7 Habits of Great Trial Teams

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1. Three Top Trial Lawyers Tell Us Why Storytelling Is So Important

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